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Vacation Homes & Home Warranties: Know the Benefits

A family relaxing because they have a vacation home warranty.

Vacation homes are meant for rest and relaxation. When something goes wrong in your secret getaway, it could ruin a vacation and cause havoc for your family.

That’s why vacation home warranties are perfectly fitting. Home warranties offer peace of mind so that your appliances and home systems are covered from mechanical damage year-round.

Consider getting a home warranty on your vacation property if you want to keep your appliances and home systems functional. Learn about the unique benefits of covering your vacation home so you can protect both your home and your wallet down the line.

Vacation Home Warranties: 4 Benefits

1. Vacation home warranties cover your appliances, no matter their age.

The appliances and home systems in your vacation home will likely last a while. When you’re not using your second home everyday, this tends to happen.

But over time, you might find parts of your second home are starting to fall apart. You may not think to check on your refrigerator when it is unplugged much of the year, or you might find the HVAC unit is over a decade old and does not run efficiently during your summers.

Luckily, no matter the age of your appliance, Select Home Warranty has you covered. Just be sure to keep track of any maintenance or repair records over the lifetime of your appliances for the service technician to document.

2. Vacation home warranties give you peace of mind when you need it most.

There’s nothing worse than arriving for a vacation and finding work to do. Your family might request time off from work, take the kids out of school, pack your car, and drive all the way to your vacation home only to find there’s a problem deeming the home uninhabitable.

This is a frustrating experience — and also an expensive one. The sudden cost of replacing a refrigerator could be hundreds of dollars.

Instead, have peace of mind to call on your home warranty provider to send a qualified service technician. This way, all you have to pay is the day-of service fee.

3. Vacation home warranties protect the home’s temperature.

Some vacation homes are in the mountains while others are along the beach. Vacation homes tend to exist in more extreme climates. People enjoy spending time in a vacation home because it’s a different experience from our daily homes.

In these cases, it’s very important to care for your heating and cooling systems. Select Home Warranty covers all module components and parts of the heating system necessary to function including compressors, condensers, thermostats, heating elements and more, including all ducts from the point of attachment. For your air conditioning, your home warranty covers the primary floor air conditioning unit.

If you find mechanical damage in your heating or cooling system, don’t hesitate to place a claim.

4. Vacation home warranties cover you when buying or selling your vacation home.

Many home owners and home buyers appreciate the value of a home warranty if something were to break after the sale of a vacation home.

For example, if you’re in the process of selling your vacation home, now’s a great time to buy a home warranty. If the new buyer notices a problem with an appliance or home system, they’ll have no reason to go back to you as the previous owner. Everything will be managed through the home warranty company.

Get a FREE quote today or call 800-670-8931 to start comparing home warranty options! Have total peace of mind when it comes to your peaceful getaway.