Home » 4 Home Warranty Benefits

4 Home Warranty Benefits

Woman shrugging, wondering about home warranty benefits.

If you’re considering ways to save money on home maintenance and repairs, you may be wondering about the benefits of a home warranty.

In the past, we’ve briefly touched on a home warranty’s benefits while answering the question whether they’re worth it. However, to be an informed buyer, you should know the exact benefits you get by having a home warranty.

But, really quick… what does a home warranty do?

If you’re not sure what a home warranty is, that’s totally fine! We all have to start somewhere. (Feel free to move onto the next section if you already know.)

In its simplest terms, a home warranty is a protection plan that covers the costs of repair and replacement for properly maintained home systems and appliances.

In short, if something goes wrong with your dishwasher, HVAC system, plumbing, refrigerator, or other covered item, your home warranty provider has it handled.

When there’s an issue, all you need to do is submit a claim. Your home warranty company will connect you with a contractor, cover repair and replacement costs, and manage everything from there. You just need to cover your annual costs and a small fee for each claim on the day of service.

Still feel like you need a bit more info? Learn what a home warranty covers and how it works.

1. Year-Round Coverage

The standard home warranty term lasts one year. That’s 365 days of coverage from the effective date of your service contract.

This means you’re protected throughout all seasons. If your heating system kicks out in the winter, you’re covered. If your air conditioning fails you during the summer, you’re covered. You don’t have to worry about if or when, so long as you have a home warranty plan.

2. Affordable Repairs & Replacement

As mentioned earlier, home warranty service will take on the cost of repair or replacement for select home systems and appliances. All you need to cover is your annual payment and a minor service call fee.

Depending on the issue, you could be looking at massive savings.

  • Air conditioners, including central air systems, are essential in many regions, with an average repair cost of $350. Replacements will run much higher at $5,500 on average.
  • Heating systems can total $350 to repair, on average, with replacements running upwards of $4,500.
  • Plumbing system repairs may run an average of $300 per incident, with the average system replacements falling around $3,500.
  • Washing machines are a major appliance that have an average repair cost of $285, typically falling around $650 to replace.

And these are just a few examples. Ultimately, the costs of these repairs or replacements will tend to be far more expensive than your annual home warranty and day-of-service service fee, leading to big savings in the event of an issue.
To learn more, reach us at 800-670-8931 today or click below for a free quote!

3. Minimal Investment

The peace of mind of a home warranty comes with a minimal investment on your part. Best of all, when you choose to defend your home through a company like Select Home Warranty, you can pick and choose the protections you need.

Every house is different, so if you find you need things like coverage for your garage door opener, built-in microwave, septic system, and more, you can get a plan that’s completely curated for your needs. This means you’re only paying for the coverage options that benefit you – not a bunch of things you don’t even have in your home.

Wondering what else might be covered? Here are a few more things most people don’t know a home warranty can cover.

4. Massive Time Savings

We all know how tiresome it can be to find the right technician for any home repair. Fortunately, when you have a home warranty, you’re tapped into a network of vetted, reliable technicians and specialists who are ready to fulfill your claim.

No need to waste time scouring Google, Yelp, or Houzz for someone to come out and charge you just to quote the out-of-pocket costs you’ll be spending on a repair or replacement. If you have a home warranty through SHW, we’ll connect you with the best local technician for the job, covering parts, repair, and replacement costs wherever that coverage is needed.

Your quote with Select is completely free!

Now that you know the benefits of a home warranty, it’s time to purchase a home warranty!

To get set up with the perfect plan for you, start with a free quote. Our experts can then help you figure out exactly the right coverage for your home and get you protected ASAP.